The name “Burg” comes from a German word meaning a fortress. While Burg is sometimes translated into Japanese as a castle, it means a fortress of a medieval era or a shelter. Burg is designed to prepare for potential attacks of enemies and in the event of attacks protect residents living inside the area of Burg. We are a law office to be determined to be a fortress to protect our clients and provide a shelter to our clients.



Ample experience of corporate practice for long years

Nakano of this firm has been engaged in corporate practice for long years and dealt with inquiries by clients or transactions, which the clients engaged in. From the experience of corporate auditors of listed companies, we have profound knowledge and experience in internal control, legal compliance and overseas investment.


Adequate litigation strategy

We are well equipped with knowledge and experience of dispute resolution and committed to protect the business of our clients taking into consideration of business strategy of our clients. We will create an adequate strategy to resolve disputes and make a quick and accurate decision to protect the business of our clients. We will provide a clear explanation of risks and costs of dispute resolution and pursue the best resolution for the clients. Joint representation of our clients with lawyers of other firms will be available, if it is necessary.


Cross-border practice

We are proud to have ample experience of cross-border practice. Strategic approach is deployed to handle cross-border legal matters. Having been a partner of Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, we provide assistance to clients abroad to invest in Japan, Japanese clients to invest overseas and clients with respect to cross-border transactions. Since Nakano studied at a law school in the United States and is admitted to New York Bar, he is capable of legal tasks and communication in English. Depending on the necessity, we will collaborate with Anderson Mori & Tomotsune or offshore law firms.